We are happy to provide you with a free initial consultation for your project.  Most assessments can be made without the need for a non-disclosure agreement, though an NDA can be drafted and executed by us if an initial assessment requires it.

We generally draw up a simple consulting contract for most projects.  Many projects can be handled on an hourly basis.  Larger projects may be scoped as a project-based effort.  Project-based work may require a retainer.

Gain Consulting has an extensive network of laboratories, facilities and workers that can make your project happen, whether your company is established, early stage startup or even a virtual organization.  We can also work on-site if you have one or we can help arrange the use of third party laboratories and facilities..  We specialize in California based companies, but have worked with clients across North America, Europe and Asia.

To find out what Gain Consulting can do for you, contact us today or reach out electronically and describe your project or challenge.